Find the latest data on first destination outcomes for graduate College of Business students, including plans secured and offer rates, top employers and position titles, and salary ranges.
This new online platform helps master’s students make the most out of their investment and build their careers. From video lessons on career exploration, to writing application materials, to interviewing and negotiating for that next career step — Beyond Grad School helps master’s students through each stage of their job search.
You have two important opportunities to meet employers at upcoming College of Business Career Fairs. Begin preparing this week so you are ready to attend with confidence and intention.
As the spring semester begins, it’s the perfect time to think about how you can make the most of your college experience. One of the best ways to invest in your future and set yourself up for success after graduation is by getting involved in a College of Business student organization.
These courses are provided through LinkedIn Learning. Campuswide access to LinkedIn Learning is provided by the Colorado State University Office of the Provost for all CSU faculty, staff and students. Here is more information on LinkedIn Learning access.
Vault’s editors have composed this essential resource of leading consultancies, tailored specifically for the Asia-Pacific market, and covering both international …
First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Type in a keyword to select a relevant occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
Top Employers
Education Levels
Annual Earnings
Technical Skills
Core Competencies
Job Titles
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
The number of jobs in the career for the past two years, the current year, and projections for the next 10 years. Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons, and do not distinguish between full- and part-time jobs. Sources include Emsi industry data, staffing patterns, and OES data.
Top Employers
These companies are currently hiring for .
Education Levels
The educational attainment percentage breakdown for a career (e.g. the percentage of people in the career who hold Bachelor’s Degrees vs. Associate Degrees). Educational attainment levels are provided by O*NET.
Annual Earnings
Earnings figures are based on OES data from the BLS and include base rate, cost of living allowances, guaranteed pay, hazardous-duty pay, incentive pay (including commissions and bonuses), on-call pay, and tips.
Technical Skills
A list of hard skills associated with a given career ordered by the number of unique job postings which ask for those skills.
Core Competencies
The skills for the career. The "importance" is how relevant the ability is to the occupation: scale of 1-5. The "level" is the proficiency required by the occupation: scale of 0-100. Results are sorted by importance first, then level.
Job Titles
A list of job titles for all unique postings in a given career, sorted by frequency.